Weather Graphs for 2024-10-29
Wind Direction
![Wind direction plotted as points. Clusters of points indicate prevailing wind direction. For detailed information on this graph, go to the "TODAY" tab at the top of this page. Wind direction as points.](2024-10-29winddirection.jpg)
Wind Speed
![AVERAGE wind speed over 21 readings (in Miles per Hour). For detailed information on this graph, go to the "TODAY" tab at the top of this page. AVERAGE Wind Speed](2024-10-29windspeed.jpg)
![Wind Speed line](../Blue.png)
![Average Wind Speed Line over 10 minutes](../Orange.png)
![Wind Line average over 2 minutes](../Green.png)
![Wind Gust Line over 10 minutes](../Red.png)
![Relative outside humidity percentage Relative outside humidity percentage](2024-10-29humidity.jpg)
Daily Rain
![Rain totals (in inches) accumulated from midnight-to-midnight and since the beginning of the season, July 1st. For detailed information on this graph, go to the "TODAY" tab at the top of this page. Rain totals (in inches) from midnight-to-midnight and since the beginning of the season, July 1st](2024-10-29dailyrain.jpg)
Rain Rate
![Instantaneous rate of rainfall measured in inches per hour. For detailed information on this graph, go to the "TODAY" tab at the top of this page. Instantaneous rate of rainfall measured in inches per hour](2024-10-29rainrate.jpg)
University Police wind advisory reference
For campus closure information please call the campus Emergency Hotline at (909) 537-5999
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Never base important decisions on this or any weather information obtained from the Internet
California State University, San Bernardino
5500 University Parkway, San Bernardino, CA. 92407
Phone: (909) 537-5108, Email: Weather Webmaster
Last Updated: